Let’s get to the root of your hormone imbalance and regain your energy.

With a step-by-step plan that helps to improve your gut and hormone health, and is tailored to your needs.



Hormone Balancing Breakfast Guide

Ready for less fatigue and more energy? This free guide will help you take the guesswork out of what to eat, and also includes simple recipes that will help you balance your hormones and energy levels all day. 


Imagine if the path to feeling better could be simpler.

You can start feeling like yourself again — without the overwhelm and confusion that often comes with figuring out what your body needs.

I’m here to help you stop wondering what to do next and finally take steps forward, in a way that feels personalized and manageable.


Hi! I’m Kaarthika

Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CNP NNCP)

My mission is to help you get to the root of your gut and hormone issues, so that you can spend less time figuring out what to do, and more time being present in your life.

For years I didn’t feel like myself, and my personal health journey has brought me here, to support you.


What clients are saying