Ready to get to the root of your gut & hormone issues?

Ready to uncover the “why” behind your symptoms, and finally have a clear plan toward feeling better in your body?


“Before working with Kaarthika, I struggled with bloating, skin issues, and food sensitivities. As a result of working toward improving my gut health, I saw a significant improvement in how I felt day-to-day and also a reduction in food-related anxiety as I no longer experienced uncontrollable and unpredictable bloating and diarrhea. Every time I would get off track, Kaarthika always offered me support with no judgment.”

- Nicole, 1:1 Client


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You're dealing with gut issues that are not only uncomfortable but downright frustrating. On top of that, your gut is so unpredictable that you have to think twice before going on a trip or out to eat, overthinking every choice you make about what to eat.

  • Mornings are a struggle—you set three alarms, but dragging yourself out of bed feels like climbing a mountain. And once you're up, the energy you need to face the day just isn’t there.

  • You’ve gone to your doctor, and they say everything looks "normal", but you know deep down that something isn't right. You're still not feeling like yourself.

  • You’ve tried DIY-ing with diets, supplements, and routines you’ve seen online, but you're exhausted from jumping from one thing to the next, hoping something will finally work.

  • You've cut out a whole bunch of foods, hoping it would make you feel better, but it's only made eating harder and more stressful. You’d love to have some flexibility back.

  • Your periods are like a rollercoaster you can't get off. Between the pain and the bloating, it’s a struggle to figure out how to manage it all each month.


You deserve to wake up feeling energized and ready to tackle the day, enjoy meals without stressing over every bite, and managing your periods without all the pain and unpredictability. It’s time to ditch the restrictive diets and constant overthinking.

You deserve a straightforward plan that is made for you.


Imagine how it would feel to…


→ Feel more relief from digestive discomfort, fatigue, painful periods or other uncomfortable symptoms.

→ Have more energy to meet your friends for brunch, take that weekend hike, or start that pilates class you’ve been eyeing.

→ Stop aimlessly cutting out foods, and start to understand what foods make you feel best.

→ Spend less time thinking about and experimenting with your health, be less in your head, and more in your life.

→ Uncover what’s going on in your body and learn to give yourself what you need.

I know it’s possible for you.


Here’s how we’ll do this


When you get clear on the “why” behind your symptoms, you can address them at the root — and make real progress toward feeling good again.

  • We'll start by getting a clear picture of where you are right now. This means diving into your current health status, habits, and any symptoms you're experiencing. By understanding your unique situation, we can create a personalized plan that's perfectly tailored to your needs.

    If needed we'll also get you set up to complete your first GI-MAP (gut testing) or DUTCH (hormone) test, and you will also get a list of recommended blood work to get from your MD (if needed).

  • Then we will meet for a review session where we will review your test results together and put together a plan.

    Once we know where you stand, it's time to rebuild your foundation. We'll work on strengthening those essential health habits—like nutrition, sleep, and stress management—that set the stage for long-term wellness. This phase is all about getting you back to basics and ensuring you have a solid groundwork to build on.

  • With a strong foundation in place, we can now focus on the specific areas that need attention, whether it's your gut health, hormone balance, or both. We'll dive deep into these targeted issues, to address the root causes and create a plan that supports your body's natural healing processes.

  • Finally, we'll work on maintaining the progress you've made. This phase is about creating a sustainable routine that fits your lifestyle, so you can continue to feel your best long after our work together. You'll leave with the tools and knowledge to keep up your healthy habits, no matter what life throws your way.


I was struggling with constipation and low energy in the afternoons. [Kaarthika’s] recommendations were straight forward, in manageable chunks, and she was willing to break them down further if it felt overwhelming at any point. Now, my constipation has become less of an issue and I have consistent energy throughout the day and my cycle.”

- Stacy, 1:1 Client


The Reset Program

There are two program options for you to choose from below


The Foundation

12 week program

For those who want personalized support and create foundational habits that will support their hormone health in the long term.

What’s Included:

✓ Initial consultation (75 min)

✓ A personalized plan including nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations.

✓ 3 monthly follow up sessions (45 min)

✓ 20% off supplements on Fullscript’s online dispensary

✓ Chat support available during office hours

Investment: $597 CAD or 3 monthly payments of $199 CAD



The Deep Dive

12 week program

Includes functional testing for those who are looking for more in-depth gut and hormone support, or are dealing with more complex symptoms.

What’s Included:

✓ Initial consultation (75 min)

✓ A GI-MAP stool test or a DUTCH hormone test plus a deep-dive session to review results and create plan for addressing imbalances.

✓ A personalized plan including nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations.

✓ 3 monthly follow up sessions (45 min)

✓ 20% off supplements on Fullscript’s online dispensary

✓ Chat support available during office hours

Investment: $1147 CAD or 3 monthly payments of $399 CAD


If you are ready to explore the root of your symptoms, click the button below to book in a free 20-minute connection session.

I’d love to chat with you about your health journey.


Let me introduce myself 👋🏼

Hi! I’m Kaarthika - Hormone & Gut Nutritionist

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CNP NNCP) helping people getting to the root of their symptoms through deeper gut and hormone support.

After struggling with chronic health issues most of my life, I am deeply passionate about helping people get to know their body better, and use food and nature as medicine to help us along the way.

I am a firm believer that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and everyone deserve to understand what their own body needs.


Let’s get there together.


📞 Click on the button to book your free, no-commitment connection call at a time and date that works best for you. (You’ll never have to make a decision on the call). This call simply allows us to chat, get clear on your health goals, and get a feel on whether this program is the best next step for you.

(Have a quick question? Get in touch at



  • If you've been dealing with ongoing digestive issues (like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, you name it), or maybe you're feeling low on energy, stressed out, anxious, or foggy-headed, skin problems, mood swings, or memory issues, this program could be a great fit for you.

    You always have the option to jump on a no-pressure connection call. It's a great way for us to get to know your health concerns and give you the clarity you need. We can talk about what you're going through, your goals, and what life's throwing at you right now. Together, we can figure out if I'm the right person to help you with where you're at.

  • Functional testing is a tool that helps us get more information and a better idea of what's happening with your gut and/or hormones. That way we can tailor your plan to what YOU need.

    The GI-MAP is an at-home stool test that can reveal imbalances in gut bacteria, digestive enzymes, inflammation, gluten sensitivity, and more.

    The DUTCH test is an at-home dried urine test that can give us a look at your hormone profile including estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and liver health.

  • Yes! If paying in full isn’t accessible for you, I offer a monthly payment plan with no penalties or additional fees. If that still feels like a stretch, we can chat about an extended payment plan on our call.

  • I don’t currently offer individual sessions. Since restoring nutrient deficiencies and gut imbalances can take time, it’s important to me that you feel fully supported to have the best results possible.

  • Though supplements aren't the whole solution, they can play a huge role in supporting the body's healing process. Especially in situations where there is gut and hormone imbalance, supplements can fill nutritional gaps, offer extra support to the body, and help speed up recovery. In this program, I aim to choose supplements mindfully, strategically and with cost-effectiveness in mind too.